Some interesting information about the proposed WFD project - it would be good for Kenya - but compared to most of Africa, Kenya's Deaf community is very aware of their rights - its the lack of housing, decent jobs and education that is an issue in Kenya.
Safe and warm housing = security for deaf people
decent jobs = security for deaf people - that way they can build their lives
quality education = all the deaf schools are no good - there is no central authority to control all the deaf schools etc.
however, if you're interested in reading about the WFD details, see below - it is clipped from the WFD News (March 2007):
WFD will start preplanning for a global education project on the human rights of the Deaf this year 2007. During the preplanning period in 2007 – 2008, WFD will arrange 7 regional meetings in order to carry out a survey on the regional situation and needs of the Deaf in these regions. On the basis of the analysis, WFD will produce a project application containing a plan for a global educational project in human rights within WFD’s regional and national organisations.
The seven regions are South America; Eastern and Southern Africa; Eastern Europe and Middle Asia; Central America and the Caribbean; Asia and the Pacific; Arab Region; and West Africa.
Mr. Colin Allen from Australia is appointed as the project coordinator. Steering committee will include members from WFD, Swedish National Association of the Deaf (SDR), Finnish Association of the Deaf (KL) and Swedish Disabled People’s organization for development cooperation (SHIA).
The two-year pre-planning project is funded by the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Sida). Sincere thanks goes to Swedish Association of the Deaf (SDR), Finnish Association of the Deaf and also to other Nordic Deaf Associations for supporting WFD in this project.