Friday, 14 September 2007

update on my Kenyan family

Shiku's mother have broken her leg two weeks ago - she ended up at Kerugoya District Hospital. It was really awful for the family there. Poor Shiku managed to keep her wit around - keeping everyone busy etc.

Yesterday Mami (thats what Shiku calls her mother) had the operation at Kerugoya District - it was successful and the surgeon was very happy with everything. Mami is now positive as she was worried that she might never walk again - but with the money found for the operation, things are okay for now.

Today Kamau have harvested maize on Mami's plot today and we have three bags full now :-)

here is the video of Mami's plot (when maize were not ready!) which was taken way back in June this year when I visited Kerugoya.


capyboppy said...

Glad to hear that "mami" is on the mend. I hope that she recovers well and quicker than expected, and will be pain free.

Shane Gilchrist said...

Yeah - its going positive. Shiku said yesterday that Mami is very happy now. We are lucky that Mami have a good friend who is a nurse who will come around every day to check on Mami's leg.

She'll have her stitches removed in 10-14 days so it should be fine.

I ll go and text Shiku to see the latest update.